Day 131 through Day 140

Day 131 ( Monday, May 11 ) I spent a total of 7 hours in the basement today working with data and writing my lab report. The room has no name and it sounds unappealing but I like working there every now and then because I feel more productive.

Day 132 ( Tuesday, May 12 ) I found a girl who has the same cover as I do!
Day 133 ( Wednesday, May 13 ) Low ponytail for today. Low ponytail equates to not as much energy.
Day 134 ( Thursday, May 14 ) Went to view the premiere for pitch perfect 2. The seats were so fancy with the reclining options. (Forgot to take a photo)

Day 135 ( Friday, May 15 )Looked across the street and saw this view of the sky. Rain drops lightly fell while I was preparing to go out to class, so I bundled up. By the time I walked out the door, it was no longer sprinkling and when I reached the bus stop, the sun had come out and the sky was teasing me. Here was the view across the street from where I was standing.

Day 136 ( Saturday, May 16 ) I literally had coffee every single weekday this past week. (mocha Monday, white mocha Tuesday, iced vanilla latte Wednesday, iced mocha Thursday, and an iced caramel macchiato Friday) Today was the first day I withdrew from coffee and it was not a pretty sight. Later in the day, I went rollerskating in a skater skirt! The last time I can recall rollerblading was probably about 8 years ago.

Day 137 ( Sunday, May 17 ) Disneyland day! Ate chili on a chilly day and four Tritons rode King Triton’s carousel. Check out this video we created to record memories from this special day. Also! My friend wrote about our trip in more detail hereI haven’t laid my hands on a park hopper pass in a while because it’s so expensive, but we were able to obtain discounted tickets through the college. I finally rode the tower of terror for my first time!! It was way better than I anticipated. I haven’t put myself on that ride because I was afraid of free falling. It was a great feeling to get over that fear a little.

Day 138 ( Monday, May 18 ) Rode on the back of a golf cart today! I’ve ridden a golf cart several times before, but I haven’t ridden one backwards since I was scouting camp locations for Camp Firework approximately 4 years ago!

Day 139 ( Tuesday, May 19 )Tonight was the night of the Rezzies, which is a ceremony to celebrate all the hard work of the student leaders on campus. Here’s a photo of our planning committee! Cheers to my first time presenting a fancy award, with a thick shiny envelope in front of a ton of dressed up people. I have always wanted to open a fancy envelope at a ceremony and I finally had the chance to do so!!
I was able to say “This award is presented to a program that is original to the campus, original in design, and original in implementation.” The microphone ended up falling off the stand and hitting me, but at least I didn’t trip while I was on stage!

Day 140 ( Wednesday, May 20 ) Midterms were handed back to each student individually. There are approximately 400 students in the class and we each had to practice patience today. Afterward, I got dinner with my good friend Dallas and I tried a gymnastics class for the first time in a decade. At the end of the class, I was able to do a front flip and land on my feet. That was a large enough of a success for me! 

Basically, there were a ton of “firsts” this week! Or at least the first time doing something in a long time: roller skating, riding tower of terror, riding a golf cart backwards, presenting a fancy award and performing a front flip. It feels good to step outside of the comfort zone every now and then. 

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